

公司高層斗爭internal strife

公司高層斗爭--internal strife

食人的石油公司高層Cannibalistic Humanoid BP Execs

中國公司高層齊默曼Timothy Zimmerman


  • 在大多數情況下,它都能巧妙地處理與客戶間潛在的爭端;而一旦它觸怒了客戶,相關的人員就會受到公司高層的指責。

    it has, for the most part, managed its potential conflicts deftly; and when it has angered clients, there have been rebukes from the top.

  • 第二項研究則分析了以努力改變企業戰略和(或)變更公司高層為目標的對沖基金的增長趨勢。

    the second study examines the growing fashion for hedge funds to target companies in an effort to get them to change strategy and/or top management.

  • 公司高層管理者組成的bascap領導小組為主要貿易國家正在討論的關於在全球范圍內反盜版的條約提出了一系列建議。

    bascap「s leadership group of top corporate executives issued a set of recommendations for a global anti-counterfeiting treaty being negotiated by major trading nations.

  • 人們在工作場所中的行為方式很大程度上取決於公司高層

    the way people behave at the workplace is mostly set by the upper levels.

  • 參與公司的公益或商業活動是接觸公司高層的好機會,而且不必擔心會碰到什么障礙。

    participating in the company」s community or business initiatives is an opportunity to access the organization「s senior people without the usual barriers.

  • 他認為可以從專業服務機構借鑒的特點之一,就是在公司高層擴展出一個的「類似合伙人」高級經理團體。

    an expanded 「partner-like」 group of senior managers at the top of the company is one of the features that he thinks could usefully be borrowed from professional services.

  • 他對上星期五公司高層會議上所作出的決定感到焦慮不安.

    he agonized over the decision made last friday top meeting of the company.

  • 公司高層的獎金是和股價緊密聯系的.

    the bonuses of top executives are often tied to stock prices.

  • 公司的創始人均為前跨國制藥公司高層管理人員。

    the founders of the company are former top executive comes from multinational pharmaceutical companies .

  • 這讓我很沮喪,也許并不奇怪,因為我是亞裔美國人(第三代華人),公司高層里也沒有一個是亞洲人出身。

    this is upsetting, but perhaps not surprising, considering that i am asian american (third-generation chinese) and there is no one of asian extraction in any high position at this company.

  • 最近幾周,施密特與公司高層進行了數次會談,以決定把投資更集中於哪些領域。

    in recent weeks, mr. schmidt has held meetings with top executives to determine where to focus investment more narrowly.

  • 在品牌設計策略的理念上得到了公司高層的肯定!

    obtained the company high level affirmation in the brand design strategy idea!

  • 顧問委員會與公司高層保持聯系. 是這個意思嗎?請幫忙翻譯一下,謝謝!

    the consultative committee was able to keep the management in touch with feelings in the organization.

  • 此前,達納公司曾敦促其投資者,不要采取任何行動。達納表示,knoc提出的報價未能打動公司高層,因而沒有必要對此事進行磋商。

    in a statement, dana urged investors not to take any action, saying knoc has failed to meet with its senior management to discuss the offer.

  • 雖然女性獲得較少的工資,也難以榮升到公司高層,但是,就像這些年來人們對她們的偏見逐漸減少那樣,女性在提高她們的生產率和收入方面具有很大的拓展空間。

    it is true that women still get paid less and few make it to the top of companies, but, as prejudice fades over coming years, women will have great scope to boost their productivity—and incomes.

  • 他們列出在通用電氣公司高層有影響力的外國人名單.

    they ticked off the names of influential foreigners in ge」s hierarchy.

  • 這家公司高層中年輕人占有不尋常的高比例.

    the company has an unusually high proportion of young people at the top.

  • 你們的建議在公司高層會議上將得到考慮.

    your suggestion will have attention at the company top meeting.

  • 顯然,他對公司高層的決策制定也要負一定的責任。

    certainly, he has had some level of responsibility for the tone at the top.

  • 他也不認為——過去的兩年間,這在公司高層備受爭議——私人股本化會比保持現狀對陶氏化工更有益處。

    nor does he think—and this has been much debated at the top of the firm for the past two years—that going private would be better for dow than remaining a public company.

  • 一個名字著意味什么?顯然比你指望的要多。也許一個名字可以幫你搞定下一份工作或將你提升至公司高層。好吧,諸如此類。

    what「s in a name? apparently, more than you」d expect. perhaps it'll help you land that next job or rise to the top of your company.

  • 但我們也同意,為明確我們各自的責任,需要在公司高層建立清晰的責任制和問責制。

    but we have also agreed to clarify our individual roles so there’s clear responsibility and accountability at the top of the company.

  • 公司現有員工102人,其中公司高層管理人員3名,客戶服務人員8名,市場人員8名,財務3名,行政人員2名,倉庫管理員20名,其余為駕駛員 和 押運員.

    marketing dept. customer service dept. warehousing dept. finance dept. hr & admin. dept. transportation dept.

  • 在參與度很高的團隊中,團隊的所有權并不限於層級上的主管或是公司高層的一些人。

    in a high-engagement group, the ownership of the group is not limited to the hierarchical leader or a few people at the top.

  • 然而現在,讓公司高層失望的是,據報道兩個大股東正在推動一項出售,他們要將亞洲和拉美的業務拱手讓人。

    now, however, to the dismay of executives at the firm, two big shareholders are reportedly pushing for a sale of the asian and latin american businesses.

  • 這個問題由公司高層引起。

    this is a problem that starts at the top of the company.

  • 公司高層聲稱這次事故不會對環境造成(不良)影響。

    company officials say the accident will have no environmental impact.

  • 而在公司高層中,也鮮有女士、外國人,這也導致了人才匱乏。

    and there are few women and foreigners in senior roles, which narrows the talent pool.

  • 經過幾輪決賽,最后4個車間獲勝.公司高層領導分別為他們頒發了獎品和證書, 并與他們合影留念.

    the high - ranking officer issued the prize and the certificate to them, and took photo with them.

  • 但是公司高層并不確定新辦事處是否是必須的.

    but executives are not sure whether the new office is necessary.